Podcast #52 ::: Abuse and The Aftermath: Part III ::: with Dana Hargus

Abuse and the aftermath: a series of stories and hope, seeking to raise awareness about the reality of domestic abuses, the resources available to women and the restoring nature of  Jesus Christ.  

Part 3 

Dana: Guest 3 is Dana Hargus, a Licensed Professional Counselor and M.ED with other 20 years of counseling experience. Dana joins us this episode as a sister in Christ, sharing her wisdom and observation about walking out trauma. Dana also shares a few basic faith-based resources for women to utilize (for those who are now in safety and seeking to rebuild their lives). In the podcast platform notes you will find links about the resources she recommends. At the end of the podcast episode you will find all manner of contact information if you are a loved one find yourself in a current domestic violence situation. 

Jessie Sallee